Producing Fine Beef for Your Freezer
Bulk Beef
➡ Side of Beef… $4.99 Lb.
A side of beef, or half beef (1/2 beef), is sold by the hanging weight, which is the weight before it is trimmed and cut. At Litchke Farms a side of beef is custom cut to your specifications; however, for comparison purposes, if it is standard cut a half typical includes the following:
- Chuck Roasts - 3 - 8 at 3 lb. each
- Arm Roasts - 4 at 3 lb. each
- Short Ribs - 4 pkgs. at 2.5 lb. each
- Neck Soup Bones - 4
- Rib Section - 15 lb. that can be cut as Rib Steak and/or Rib Roasts
- Stew Beef - 4 or 5 lb.
- Steaks - Approximately 20 steaks total divided amongst the Sirloin, Porterhouse, and
- Top Round - 10 lb. cut as roasts or steaks
- Rump Roasts - 2 or 3 at 3 lb. each
- Sirloin Tip - 6 lb. cut as roasts and/or steaks
- Ground Beef - Approximately 80 lb. in 1 lb. pkgs.
➡ 1/2 Split Side of Beef... $4.99*/ Lb.
A split side of beef, or quarter beef (1/4 beef), is sold by the hanging weight, which is the weight before it is trimmed and cut. At Litchke Farms a split side of beef is custom cut to your specifications, but if cut standard it typical includes the following:
- Chuck Roasts - 4 at 3 lb. each
- Arm Roasts - 2 at 3 lb. each
- Short Ribs - 2 pkgs. at 2.5 lb. each
- Neck Soup Bones - 2
- Rib Section - 7 lb. that can be cut as Rib Steak and/or Rib Roasts
- Stew Beef - 2 or 3 lb.
- Steaks - Approximately 10 steaks total divided amongst the Sirloin, Porterhouse, and
- Top Round - 5 lb. cut as roasts or steaks
- Rump Roasts - 1 or 2 at 3 lb. each
- Sirloin Tip - 1 at 3 lb.
- Ground Beef - Approximately 40 lb. in 1 lb. pkgs.
➡ Additional Beef Cuts
88% Lean Ground Beef… $4.99* / Lb.